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Zhengzhou Museum (Wenhan Street) () serves as a beacon for promoting the culture of the Central Plains, particularly the heritage of the Yellow Emperor. The …
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History. With a single minded focus Shri. Jaiprakash Gaur, Founder Chairman of Jaypee Group, after acquiring a Diploma in Civil Engineering in 1950 from the University of Roorkee now (IIT Roorkee), had a stint with Govt. of U.P. and with steadfast determination to contribute in nation building, branched off on his own, to start as a civil contractor in 1958,and laid the foundation …
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About Jaypee. With a rich experience of over three decades in the plastic industry, Jaypee is a pioneer and leading manufacturer and exporter of a premium range of high-quality thermoware …
The Chairman of Jaypee Group Mr. Jay Mehta the founder of the company in 1982, is a professionally qualified, self-made industrialist.
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Jaypee Greens Kasa Isles apartments are ideal mix of natural beauty, exotic style and amenities. Look out at a scintillating view of beautiful parks, majestic fountains and a landscape filled with …
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