Se‐concentration in chickens muscle of chickens fed with organic Se was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in muscles from chickens fed with selenite. The Se concentration in breast muscles were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the group receiving SW compared to SY (1.9 ± 0.020 and 1.5 ± 0.019 mg Se kg-1). No difference between SW and ...
An extremely high concentration of Se (~6000 mg/kg) was also reported in secondary barite generated during the neutralization process at the Key Lake uranium mill operated by Cameco Corporation in northern Saskatchewan, Canada (Bissonnette, 2015). The presence of Se at elevated concentrations in both natural and anthropogenic barite suggest ...
Selenite plays the more hazard role at higher concentrations (Reis et al., 2017). Se application as selenite source, Se concentration tend to accumulate mainly in roots due to rapidly conversion into organic forms. Application of Se mix forms (selenite and selenate) has been applied in several types of plant species.
Increasing the concentration of selenium to 0.75 »ig/mldepressed the growth of CMT-13 and CMT-11 cells by 75% and 11%, respectively, while no inhibition was observed in nonneoplastic ... tation with sodium selenite (l »igSe per ml) for 60 min resulted in a ... (Mill was isolated from a primary neoplasm of a mammary gland of a 9-yr-old ...
Acid concentration control system for pickled surface quality and to minimize acid consumption 6-high and 4-high mill stands for high flexibility for all products Universal Crown Control mill (UCM mill) with intermediate roll shifting for high reductions and excellent flatness control by eliminating undesirable contact area between rolls.
The Witch's Guide is an official reforestation partner with OneTreePlanted. We are dedicated to planting trees all over the world to support our beautiful planet.
mented with 1˚ mM concentration of sodium selenite, respectively. Petri plates were incubated for 48˚h at 37˚° in a Remi CIS-24 Plus orbital shaking incubat(um-bai, Indi)ounted for total number of heterotrophic and selenite-reducing bacteria. Among the selenite-reducing bacteria, single colonies were isolated, purified
Therefore, sodium selenite foliar spray effectively boosts fruit tree yields, improves the quality of apples, increases the selenium content of fruits, and achieves the goal of selenium supplementation. In production practice, the optimal range of sodium selenite concentration used for foliar spray ranges between 100 and 150 mg/L.
Dystopias. Entry updated 25 January 2021. Tagged: Theme. The word "dystopia" is the commonly used antonym of "eutopia" (see Utopias) and denotes that class of hypothetical societies containing images of worlds worse than our own. An early user of the term was John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), in a parliamentary speech in 1868, but its recent ...
in estrous cycle length in rats; sodium selenite also caused an increase in estrous cycle length in mice. Based on mortality, body weight depression, decreased water consumption, and renal papillary lesions, the estimated no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) in rats was 0.4 mg selenium/kg body weight for sodium selenate and for sodium selenite.
Selenite Aura and Home Cleansing Spray. Selenite has the ability to purify your body, mind, and even your home! Your home is a sacred space and selenite wants to help you keep it that way. Here's a recipe for my new favorite thing, DIY selenite aura and home cleansing spray: 6-8 oz glass spray bottle. Enough filtered water to fill your bottle ...
Elevated contents of hazardous elements in natural ecosystems are often associated with human activities. Significant quantities of these elements, including heavy metals, are concentrated in tailings. The goal of the study was to assess the mineralogical and geochemical features of the old tailings of the decommissioned Krasnorechenskaya concentrating mill (located in …
retained from sodium selenite. The results of Seier & Bragg (1973) indicated that the barley and wheat Se was 52 and 70 %, respectively, bioavailable in pre venting ED in comparison to sodium selenite. In another study, the nutritional efficacy of wheat Se in inducing erythrocyte and liver GSH-Px in rats was respectively 83 % and 86 % of that of
Selenite concentration was 0.5 and 3.5 μmol l –1 in C and D, respectively. (E,F) The effects of different types of treatment with Hg 2+ in hepatocytes exposed to [75 Se]selenite, without or with 30 μmol l –1 GSH, in Hanks' medium.
Get it as soon as Tue, Nov 16. FREE Shipping by Amazon. More Buying Choices. $21.15 (7 used & new offers) Selenite Stick by CuartoAstral, 7 to 8.5 Inches long, 1 to 2 inches wide, white healing stone, strong protection powers. Stone is active …
Definition: (n.) A salt of selenious acid. (n.) A variety of gypsum, occuring in transparent crystals or crystalline masses. Example Sentences: (1) After a resuscitation period of 4 h, the medium was made selective by addition of either sodium thiosulfate, bile salts and iodine, or …
The drug is an emulsion containing in each milliliter, 5.48 milligrams sodium selenite (equivalent to 2.5 milligrams selenium), 50 milligrams of vitamin E (68 I.U.) (as d-alpha tocopheryl acetate). The drug is intended for use for the prevention and treatment of selenium-tocopherol deficiency syndrome in horses.
The effect of sulphate on selenite and selenate absorption kinetics. The effect of sulphate was significant for the kinetics of selenate influx, but not for selenite influx, to B. napus roots. The absorption kinetics curve showed that selenate influx to plant roots was inhibited by sulphate (P < 0.05, Fig. 1).The selenate depletion curve was less steep with increasing …
A few hundred meters from the huge furnaces of the Chinese-owned Smedrevo steel mill in central Serbia, the village of Radinac is covered in thick red dust. Cancer rates have quadrupled in under a ...
Operation. As one of the largest copper producers in the United States, Rio Tinto Kennecott comprises approximately 11 percent of U.S. annual copper production. The Bingham Canyon Mine is one of the top producing copper mines in the world with production at more than 20 million tons. The Bingham Canyon Mine is the largest man-made excavation on ...
Selenium is a trace element of great impact on the antioxidant metabolism of plants and its accumulation is poor in species such as Solanum lycopersicon, so adding it is part of biofortification programs. The present work analyzes the capacity of sodium selenite (Na 2 SeO 3 ) to increase the concentration of Selenium in tomatoes plants and fruits.
Relationships of GPX3 activity and SEPP1 concentration to dietary Se intake and plasma Se concentration in residents of a low-Se part of China. Subjects had an estimated average intake of 10 μg/day from dietary sources and had been supplemented with graded amounts of SeMet for 40 weeks. Estimated from the data of Xia et al. .
Systems and methods for removing oxyanionic contaminants, such as arsenate (As(V)) and selenite (Se(IV)), from polluted water. The system utilizes calcium alginate which has been doped with ferric iron. The system is operated as either a batch-type or continuous feed purifier. A dehydrator is included for drying spent absorbent beads to form a dry disposable solid waste …
The study was conducted to determine the effects of three dietary Se sources, such as sodium-selenite (S-S), seleno-yeast (S-Y) and seleno-methionine (S-M), on Se concentration, glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and TXNRD activities, and mRNA expression of fifteen representative selenoproteins, and protein expression of four endoplasmic reticulum-resided …
Abstract. Se can be accumulated by plants and volatilized to dimethylselenide, providing an attractive technology for Se phytoremediation. To determine the rate-limiting steps in Se volatilization from selenate and selenite, time- and concentration-dependent kinetics of Se accumulation and volatilization were studied in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea).
Se can enhance lactation performance by improving nutrient utilization and antioxidant status. However, sodium selenite (SS) can be reduced to non-absorbable elemental Se in the rumen, thereby reducing the intestinal availability of Se.The study investigated the impacts of SS and coated SS (CSS) supplementation on lactation performance, nutrient digestibility, ruminal …