Skylighter has a black powder kit but I wasn't ready to spend 80$+ yet so . Used a ball mill from harbor frieght 6# version. Lead 54 cal balls as media and then weighed out the 3 ingredients per skylighter instructions online. Thru all that …
Heard quite a few say DIY black powder is cleaner, not sure about that . Seemed about same when cleaning my rifle . Did have 1 mishap, I didn't have a ball mill or a rock cleaner so I put a bolt threw the lid of a quart mason jar and chucked it in my cordless drill . Then with a radiator clamp adjusted trigger down to were it was turning .
I'll use one of my rock tumblers as a makeshift ball mill filled with lead balls to make the powder outside on my fish cleaning table. Then I will granulate it with water alcohol mix and corn it in my Corning press. Once the pucks are dried I'll turn it into useable black powder in a ceramic coffee grinder.
PLEASE CONSIDER A DONATION:https://&hosted_button_id=RFYRZHKX6464AHow to make Black Powder step by step.
3. When you open your mill, you should find an incredibly fine black/greyish powder. Sieve this to get the media of the mill out, and weigh it. In a separate container, place 75 grams of potassium nitrate for every 25 grams of charcoal/sulfur powder you have. Put the potassium nitrate in your ball mill, and mill it for 3 hours.
Meal powder is primarily used as a lift charge in fireworks shells. Its that protruding lump on the side of round commercial fireworks shells that has the fuse coming from it. Milling takes a tumbling ball mill with large lead balls or other non ferrous media like processed stainless steel or ceramic so no static sparks are created.
They say to mix all three together wet. I do use the ball mill to do my mixing, and do the mixing dry. The longer you mill each component the better the powder will be. After everything is milled and mixed, I wet the powder just enough to clump, and then screen it onto newspapers to dry. cow rancher, Sounds like it wasn't dry enough on the ...
Muzzleloading has come a long way from spit patch round balls, soap and water cleaning techniques, powder horns, and bulky shooting bags. Only the intrinsic low energy properties of black powder propellants and the one-shot limitation inherent to the design restrain muzzleloaders from being as effective as modern rifles.
If I can buy the $45 kit from skylighter and a ball mill from harbor freight, add my own hardcast roundballs, a kitchen screen, and have enough material and tooling to make 1/4 or 1/3 lb batches of Holy Black for my muzzleloader, I'll be on cloud 9. skipping compression, especially if it makes "corning" difficult, is something I wouldn't mind ...
RMC Ox-Yoke Muzzleloader Supplies. Local order pick-up is available. Customer's will receive a phone call when there order is processed and ready for pick up. A Company of the usa and for the usa THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SMALL BUSINESS.
One of my first modern in-line rifles (actually my third at the time) was a Knight MK-85 in .45 caliber. Loaded with an 80-grain charge of Pyrodex "P", I could get a saboted 158-grain Speer JHP out of the muzzle of the 24-inch barrel at …
[Archive] Page 15 For the Blackpowder Crowd. We all need a dose of black once in a while ! Cannons pistols and rifles.
Powerful black powder can be made with mill runs of between 2 and 4 hours. Use long drop cords. Unplug the cords at the electrical source, not at the ball mill, when you want to stop the mill. Run your mill remotely, outdoors, at least 150 …
I'm milling everything dry in an improvised ball mill (peanut butter jar with #000 buckshot), than wetting the milled components with 90% alcohol to be combined and compacted into cakes. Performance-wise, ascorbic acid/KNO3 powder is said …
Balls & shot for muzzle loading guns Hornady round balls are die swaged from pure soft lead. Each ball is perfect, no shrinkage, no sprue, no wrinkles. Hornady round balls are made in the most popular calibers. Hand cast round balls are cast from pure soft lead. Each ball has a tiny flat, where the sprue was removed. Place this flat spot on top, centered on your muzzle.
I got burned... - posted in Safety: A few months ago I made some cylinders of black powder for no reason. They were maybe a forth of an inch wide and an inch long, maybe 3 or 4 grams each. Well, today I found them on my pyro cart and decided to get rid of them. I took them in my hand, there were maybe 7 or 8 of them. I took one and put it in a secure place so it didnt …
I once gave serious consideration to making my own black powder. But most of the instructions you read tell you to dig a hole, line it with blocks, and put your ball mill in there so that if it just happens to blow up all the force will go straight up in the air. I guess I'll let the pros grind the powder and I'll just shoot it.
Registered. Joined Mar 21, 2012. ·. 2,323 Posts. #3 · Apr 11, 2013. I don't believe any laws have changed in regards to blackpowder rifles. I have not read anything in the SAFE Act that has anything to do with blackpowder firearms. You can call the hotline and find out for sure, which is what I would do.. Save.
The grinding process was not improved upon until modern ball mills came along in the last century. Particle size with ball mills can be even smaller and more uniform than with the huge grindstones of yesteryear. Green River Black Powder, made in Roosevelt, Utah for a short time in the 1970's was manufactured using a ball mill.
For 20 years, focused on the research and development of dry grinding, classification, powder shaping, surface modification, and systematic solutions. We provide customized and internationally certified products: Jet Mill, Air Classifying Mill, Classifier, Ball Mill and Classifying production line, powder surface modification production line, etc.
My very first ball mill - such as it was - used a few pounds of stainless steel nuts and bolts for the medium charge. Ball bearings are very good for milling. Muzzle loading balls are, also. Fishing weights work (egg weights are about the best). Marbles work. Some people (scaring me as they do it) use glass marbles to mill black powder. LLoyd
Wiki says "A ball mill is a type of grinder used to grind materials into extremely fine powder for use in paints, pyrotechnics, and ceramics." Many instructables refer to United Nuclear Ball Mills. Their small ball mill cost between $70 and $80 dollars. For no more than $30 and in 5 minute you can build a ball mill of appreciable performance.
In a gun barrel, smokeless powder burns, creating gas. Because there's nowhere for the gas to go, the pressure increases to extremely high levels, and the powder burns quickly. If you drop a match into a small bowl of smokeless powder, pressure will not build up, and the powder will sizzle and burn for a several seconds before it will be used up.
In the case of ball mills, used for the purpose of producing Black Powder, the ball mill rotating drum chamber, is filled 1/2 full, with lead balls, generally, in a small home mill, such as mine, that would be .490 round lead balls, the exact same lead balls I …
Black Powder and Muzzleloaders. Making Black Powder With a Ball Mill. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 12 of 12 Posts. hawgrider · Banned. Joined Oct 24, 2014 · 5,063 Posts . Discussion Starter · #1 · Dec 5, 2014. Only show this user ...
Our selection of leads balls and more will make this process a breeze. Midsouth carries everything from the Muzzleloader, Rifle, or Pistol you want, to the Black Powder, sabots, lead round balls, and bullets that go in it, in stock and for sale, from great brand like Lyman, CVA, Traditions, T/C, Pyrodex, Blackhorn 209, and many more!
Ball milling must be used if the black powder is going to work correctly. My first black powder attempts did not work well at all even though the formulation was correct, I did the mixing by hand. Someone suggested I use a ball mill, so I got one and my powders have worked well ever since.
(Although Nelson always picks bad days for my schedule.) My mailman is nice and does not deserve handling a box full of lead for me. I am using ceramic cylinders in my larger mill now, but would really like a jar of each kind of media. Lead mills BP faster, but I like my individual chems to stay white. Edited by nater, 21 March 2013 - 12:01 PM.
Henry Ball, Muzzleloading Pioneer, Passes. Henry Cooper Ball. October 11, 1937 - January 8, 2012. From Henry's son, William C. "Bill" Ball, comes the sad news of Henry's passing. My friend and muzzleloading's friend, master riflesmith and multiple patent holder Henry Ball lost his battle with cancer, passing peacefully and quietly at 6:20 pm on ...