CSIC, Inst. Recursos Nat. y Agrobiol. Sevilla, Seville, Spain. Search for other works by this author on: GSW
PPT moderately improved the dry-sliding wear resistance of LPBF steel by fusion of pores on its surface. On the other hand, PPT had almost no effect on the SBF-sliding wear response of the steel.
The focus of this study is the effect of combined alkali and grinding pretreatment on the evolution of sepiolite structural and surface properties, in particular basicity, important for potential applications in catalysis and sorption. ... Cornejo, J.; Hermosin, M.C. Structural alteration of sepiolite by dry grinding. Clay Miner. 1988, 23, 391 ...
By using water spray during grinding, the calculated c cr of dry ground specimens was reduced by about 30%, indicating lower stresses during wet grinding. In comparison with Si 3 N ceramics, a further reduction in c cr can be expected by using a finer diamond burr [15]. Sandblasting followed by dry grinding appears to be at least as detrimental ...
the results how that he sepiolite framework is rather esistant to mechanical stress and its alteration by dry grinding occurs through three successive, overlapping processes: (i) thinning of the fibrous particles without structural alteration; (ii) distortion of the parallel units of sepiolite fibres, affecting essentially the particle surface …
Population increase and industrialization has resulted in high energy demand and consumptions, and presently, fossil fuels are the major source of staple energy, supplying 80% of the entire consumption. This has contributed immensely to the
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 13 (1994) 915-918 Structural alteration of pyrophyllite by dry grinding as studied by IR spectroscopy P. J. S A N C H E Z - S O T O *, A J U S T O, J. L. PI~REZ-RODRIGUEZ Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales, Centro Mixto Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientfficas (CSIC)-Universidad de Sevilla, P.O. Box 1115, 41080 …
The focus of this study is the effect of combined alkali and grinding pretreatment on the evolution of sepiolite structural and surface properties, in particular basicity, important for potential applications in catalysis and sorption. ... Cornejo J., Hermosin M.C. Structural alteration of sepiolite by dry grinding. Clay Miner. 1988; 23:391 ...
Vol. 47, No. 4, 1999 Dry grinding of antigorite 419 Table 2. Transmittance bands and related group-of-atom vi- brations according to I Lace (1971), 2 = Heller-Kallai et al. (1975), 3 = Yariv and Heller-Kallai (1975), and 4 Wil- son (1987). W Wavenumbers. W (cm L) Attributed to References 3673 Structural OH 1
pre-acid treated sepiolite and sulfur mixed cathode to be a good candidate for the Lithium Sulfur Battery. REFERENCES [1] X.Ji, L.F.N.Nazar, Advances in Li-S batteries, J.Mater.Chem.20 (2010)9821-9826 [2] J.Cornejo, M.C. Hermosin, Structural alteration of sepiolite by dry grinding, clay minerals 23, (pp.391-398)
Sepiolite and palygorskite fibrous clay minerals are 1D silicates featuring unique textural and structural characteristics useful in diverse applications, and in particular as rheological additives. Here we report on the ability of grinded sepiolite to generate highly viscous and stable hydrogels by sonomechanical irradiation (ultrasounds). Adequate drying of such …
Nano-fiber yapılı sepiyolitin hazırlanması ve atomik kuvvet mikroskopu (AFM) ile boyut tayini
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): ABSTRACT: The effects of dry grinding on the structure, morphology and properties of imogolite have been investigated bymeans of X-ray powder diffraction analysis, IR, DTA, and measurements of CEC and specific surface area. Imogolite isvery susceptible to alteration by grinding compared …
Cornejo, J. and Hermosin, M.C. (1988) Structural alteration of sepiolite by dry grinding. Clay Minerals, 23, 391–398. Article Google Scholar
Structural Alteration of Sepiolite by Dry Grinding. ... The results show that the sepiolite framework is rather resistant to mechanical stress and …
The interaction between phenyl salicylate and sepiolite has been studied using drugclay systems obtained by melting and grinding. The samples have been characterized by powder Xray diffraction, differential thermal and thermogravimetric …
This application discloses a kind of low viscosity cigarette filter filler and preparation methods, its key points of the technical solution are that being prepared by following raw material in parts by weight: 30-40 parts of cellulose fento aeroge, 0.1-0.5 parts of vinyltrimethoxysilane, 10-14 parts of Activated Sepiolite powder, carbon adsorbent 5-10 parts order mesoporous, 20-30 parts of ...
Research on the structural alterations of sepiolite upon grinding involved only the pro - ... products obtained by dry or wet grinding processes. For this reason, three mill types ... a very small effect on the structural alterations. EFFECT OF GRINDING ON SEPIOLITE 201 Fig. 2. Scanning electron photomicrographs of
Abstract The palygorskite-sepiolite group of clay minerals has a wide range of industrial applications derived mainly from its sorptive, rheological and catalytic properties which are based on the fabric, surface area, porosity, crystal morphology, structure and composition of these minerals. For assessing potential industrial uses, the mineralogical and chemical composition …
Structural alteration of sepiolite by dry grinding. Clay Minerals. 2018;23(4):391-8. doi: 10.1180/claymin.1988.023.4.06. 24. Ghanei-Motlagh M, Fayazi M, Taher MA, Jalalinejad A. Application of magnetic nanocomposite modified with a thiourea based ligand for the preconcentration and trace detection of silver(I) ions by electrothermal atomic ...
Grinding produced a profound structural alteration, resulting in increasing amorphization. Increasing the intensity of grinding resulted in acceleration of the mechanically induced amorphization of the pyrophyllite structure. The pyrophyllite phase was transformed into its anhydride phase during the process of the prolonged grinding.
the results show that the sepiolite framework is rather resistant to mechanical stress and its alteration by dry grinding occurs through three successive, overlapping processes: (i) thinning of the fibrous particles without structural alteration; (ii) distortion of the parallel units of sepiolite fibres, affecting essentially the particle surface …
Structural alteration of sepiolite by dry grinding. J. Cornejo; M. C. Hermosin. View article. Add to Citation Manager. Clay Minerals December 01, 1988, Vol.23, 391-398. doi: Effects of dry grinding on pyrophyllite. ... Effects of grinding and dehydration on kaolin in a steam jet mill.
ALTERATION OF SEPIOLITE BY DRY GRINDING J. CORNEJO and M. C. HERMOSIN Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla. C.S.I.C. Apartado 1052. Sevilla. Spai~. The.'study of the grinding effects on clay minerals is a subject of great ~nterest because is a very common process in the industry and re search laboratory.
the results show that the sepiolite framework is rather resistant to mechanical stress and its alteration by dry grinding occurs through three successive, overlapping processes: …
Clay minerals such as kaolinite, smectite, chlorite, micas are main components of raw materials of clay and formed in presence of water. A large number of clays used to form the different structure which completely depends on their mining source. They are known as hydrous phyllosilicate having silica, alumina and water with variable amount of inorganic ions like …
Effect of Mechanochemical Processing on Illite Particles | Huaming Yang; Wuguo Yang; Yuehua Hu; Chunfang Du; Aidong Tang | download | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books
The present study examined the effects of dry grinding, using ball-milling, on the structure of reference well-crystallized (KGa-1) and poorly crystallized (KGa-2) kaolinite powders from Georgia. Grinding produced a strong structural alteration, mainly along the c axis, resulting in disorder and total degradation of the crystal structure of the ...
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