Kenya Raymond Mill Soby Raymond Company History Textiles Moneycontrol 1967 The Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd, was registered in Kenya for manufacturing knitting y +86 21 33901608 [email protected] Home
Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. And ... vs State Of Maharashtra And Another on 1 January, 1800. Equivalent citations: 1987 (32) ELT 513 Bom. ... pointed out to us the judgment of a Division Bench of the Gujarat High Court in I.C.C. Texuring Industry and another v. Surat Municipal Corporation. 1984 (1) Gujarat Law Journal 197, which, in similar ...
the raymond woollen mills, raymond woolen mills ltd. vs coal . raymond woollen mills ltd. and vs state of maharashtra and another on 1 january, 1800. equivalent citations: 1987 (32) elt 513 bom. author: bharucha .
Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. And ... vs State Of . JUDGMENT Bharucha, J. 1. The appeal is directed against the summary rejection of writ petition filed by the appellants. 2. The appellants import goods into India ...Get Quotes. Raymond Milestones... Setup of The Raymond Woollen mill in the ... Home > Our Company > Milestones . ...
Raymond Woollen Mills Limited Vs. State of Maharashtra Judgment Dated 02-12-1996 of High Court of Judicature at Bombay having citation 1997 (3) BOMCR 107, include bench Judge HONBLE MR. JUSTICE V.P. TIPNIS HONBLE MR. JUSTICE S.S. NIJJAR having Advocates Shri D.B.Shroff with H.N.Vakil i/b M/s Mulla and Craigie Blunt Caroe Advocates for petitioners.
It was incorporated as the Raymond Woollen mill during the year 1925 near Thane Creek. Lala Kailashpat Singhania took over The Raymond Woollen Mill in the year 1944. In 1958, then with lot of hardwork and efforts Mr. Gopalkrishna Singhania and thereafter Mr. Vijaypat Singhania made this small fabric company into an world renowned brand.
The Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd And Vs State Of. Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Coal India Ltd. Anr In this regard, further, it was noticeable that the respondent No. 2, South Eastern Coal Fields Limited communicated directly with the appellant with recognition of Raymond Cement Works as division of Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd.,.Raymond Woollen ...
Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Coal India Ltd. & Anr. Whereas the supplier was the respondent—CIL, one of the purchasers was the Raymond Cement Works mentioned at Sl. No. 16 of the annexure to the Agreement, being a Division of the appellant, Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. Explicit as it was in the preamble is that the Association was to represent the Cement …
2000 – 2010. 2010 – 2017. 2018 – 2020. 1925. In 1925, a small woollen mill named as Raymond Woollen Mill was set up in Thane. 1944. When Lala Kailashpat Singhania took over Raymond in 1944, the mill was used to manufacture coarse woollen blankets and modest quantities of low-priced woolen fabrics. Soon Raymond embarked upon a gradual ...
Get free access to the complete judgment in Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Union Of India on CaseMine.
the raymond woollen mills ltd and vs state of Shramik Uttarsh Sabha vs Raymond Woolen Mills Ltd Ors onFebruary Itemof Schedule III states that it is an unfair labour practice on the part of a Supreme Tex Mart Limited is aventure which has went on to become onecreative combination of the state-of-the-art technology and human resources the...
Raymond Limited, the largest integrated manufacturer of worsted fabric in the world is a leading Indian lifestyle, textile and branded apparel company, with interests in engineering such as files, power tools, auto-components), FMCG and realty. The Company was incorporated as the Raymond Woolen mill during the year 1925 in the area around Thane ...
Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Director General (Investigation & Registration), & Another, AIR 2009 SC 399 : 2008 (8) Scale 586 : 2008 (12) SCC 73 : 2008 (14) SCC 218 : 2008 (8) SCR 1002 K.Chithhayan v.
Raymond woollen mills vapi.Raymond woollen mills vapi vereineamel be.The raymond woollen mills ltd 1967 the raymond woollen mills ltd was registered in kenya for manufacturing knitting yarns and price goods of wool and wool mixed with synthetic fibres nbsp read more shramik utkarsh sabha v s raymond woollen mills.
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State of West Bengal Vs. Raymond Woollen Mills Limited Judgment Dated 08-11-1990 of High Court of Judicature at Calcutta having citation 1991 (1) CLJ 63, 95 CWN 248, LQ/CalHC/1990/468, include bench Judge HON'BLE JUSTICE PADMA KHASTGIRHON'BLE JUSTICE KALYANMOY GANGULI having Advocates For the Appearing Parties -----
A reference has been made to Lakhanpal National Ltd. v. MRTP Commission 1989 3 SCC 251. This Court in para 9 of the said judgment observed as under: (SCC p. 256) This Court in para 9 of the said judgment observed as under: (SCC p. 256)
The Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. And ... vs State Of Maharashtra And Anr. on 2 July, 1987. Equivalent citations: 1987 (13) ECR 219 Bombay. Author: Bharucha. Bench: Bharucha, Tipnis. JUDGMENT Bharucha, J. 1. The appeal is directed against the summary rejection of the writ petition filed by the appellants. 2. The appellants import goods into India ...
Get free access to the complete judgment in The Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. And Another v. State Of Maharashtra And Another on CaseMine.
raymond woolen mills ltd vs ito. The Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd And Vs State Of. Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Coal India Ltd. Anr In this regard furthermore it was noticeable that the respondent No. 2 South Eastern Coal Fields Limited communicated directly with the appellant with recognition of Raymond Cement Works as division of Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vide …
The Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd and Another Vs State of. Excerpt: - section 195 clearly provides that in case the imported goods are subsequently exported by the importer, then the duty will be refunded. the distinction between the tax and the fee is well settled by catena of decisions and it is not necessary to refer to all these decisions save and except the decision of the …
Address of the raymond woollen mills limited. Raymond Woollen mill during the year the raymond woollen mills ltd and vs state of theraymond shramik utkarsh sabha v s raymond woollen mills shramik utkarsh sabha v s raymond woollen mills ltd 1995 clr 607 sc tseni za mill machine v kitay shramik utkarsh sabha v s raymond woollen mills ltdclrsc kitay shramik …
The raymond woollen mills ltd and vs state of . Shramik Uttarsh Sabha vs Raymond Woolen Mills Ltd. & Ors onFebruary,Itemof Schedule III states that it is an unfair labour practice on the part of a Supreme Tex Mart Limited is aventure which has went on to become onecreative combination of the state-of-the-art technology and human resources. the ...
The 'Raymond' company is a part of the global conglomerate Raymond Group. It was incorporated in 1925 near Thane as the Raymond woollen mill. Lala Kailashpat Singhania took the control over the mill in 1944. With consistent hard work and determination, in 1958, Mr. Vijaypat Singhania turned this minor fabric company into a giant and world ...
State of Maharashtra Vs. Raymond Woollen Mills Limited Judgment Dated 05-06-2002 of High Court of Judicature at Bombay having citation [2002] 111 COMPCAS 847 (BOM), include bench Judge HONBLE MR. JUSTICE A.B. PALKAR having Advocates For the Appearing Parties H.N. Vakil, K.K. Kapur, Mulla, Sanjog Parab, Advocates.
The Raymond Woollen Mills Limited and Another Vs. State of Maharashtra and Another Judgment Dated 02-07-1987 of High Court of Judicature at Bombay having citation 1987 (13) ECR 219 (BOM), include bench Judge HONBLE JUSTICE BHARUCHA HONBLE JUSTICE TIPNIS, JJ. having Advocates
The challenge in this case is to the reopening of the assessment of Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. We have been shown the recorded reasons for reopening under Section 147-A (sic Section 147). The case of the Revenue was that the assessee was charging to its profit and loss account, fiscal duties paid during the year as well as labour charges, power ...
The Company claims to be one of the largest units manufacturing worsted woollen fabrics, polyester wool fabrics, other blended fabrics, woollen blankets, synthetic yarn and blended yarn. The Company imports greasy wool, polyester fibre, acrylic fibre, nylon fibre for the manufacture of its products in the Mills at Thane.